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Beating shyness

Beating shyness

Shyness, is it good? Is it bad? Is it affecting your life more than it should? Let's be honest anyone wants to be hurt, but please think on this: are you leaving this self defense system to take control over your entire life experiences?

Let's start thinking, what does make you shy? Were you raised in an environment where you could not say anything, express your ideas or were you punished for interfering in adults topics?. Were you badly judged by the people close to you on your family or school? Was your self-esteem affected by others around you. These situations and many more may have turned you into a shy person. But if this is the case will you allow this behavior to continue affecting your life?

Let's see how you can work on it. Usually a person is shy because he/she feels, he/she won't perform correctly in certain situations, for example meeting someone, you may feel afraid of speaking to someone new by the way you think you talk or look, if this is the case, start taking some of these practices:

First make an honest evaluation of yourself. If you think you can't be impartial try to ask for help someone you trust and you know will be honest with you. If you think you are not ready to ask a friend you can try this exercise: recording yourself.

How can this work? If what is making you shy is the lack of confidence, you have to identify what is affecting the confidence on yourself. When you record yourself you can see how you look and how you talk. Try recording yourself with the look you would wear, and with the speech you would use meeting someone.

Having the record done, start muting the video and see how you look? Do you like your style? Think on this, would you talk to someone that looks or moves like you? Watch your body language, are you standing and moving properly?

Second, turn on the volume and listen to yourself, I have to warn you because most people don't like their voices, still the goal is to identify how is your tone, what words are you using between others.

If you don't feel completely comfortable with some of these aspects, you can take advantage on Internet and look for tutorials and videos on style, speech and body language. You can practice in private and continue recording to check your progress. You can also take advantage on public personalities. Please! This article is not saying you must copy anyone! It is just suggesting, you can take elements from the appearance of public figures, after all they pay thousands of dollars in imagine design. If you are going to go for this option remember you must be careful with the characteristics you are going to take and please remember you want to improve shyness not become someone´s clone. You just need to adjust according to what is right for your age and physical appearance.

Once you have worked on your image and speech you have to work on your self-confidence. No matter how you look or talk if you don't trust yourself. In this case you must like and trust on yourself.

Keeping this in mind as soon as you feel you have improved the elements you where worried about start interacting. Stand straight and go out there. Watch carefully how you approach to others. You can try this before in the recordings, but now take it to real life situations.

I think what most people like is to meet with nice and polite people. Analyze in what context are you interacting, is it the office, the bus, a Cafe, a restaurant or a bar? These are all different situations and you have to be prepared to behave according to it.

Having all this in mind, the first step to overcome shyness is to start interacting! Have your best smile and your best tools ready to talk to others. It is important for you to know if your shyness is worse with the opposite sex. If this is the case don't worry you can always work on it.

Remember what will help you the most is self-confidence. When you trust yourself this energy comes out of you as the best presentation card. Keep these levels high anytime you want to meet someone or talk to someone new.

Please my dear friend, as much as you practice and improve yourself as much as possible, there is always the risk of failure, buy what is the key here, as in many things in life, keep trying. If something doesn't not come out as you expected do it again. If you keep trying every time introducing yourself or talking to others will be much easier. Never surrender there are billions of people out there every one of them is a new story and a new opportunity. Don't stop yourself from getting to know them because of shyness. No matter how bad were your previous experiences, you are brave enough to try again, for sure it will worth it.

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