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Roll Play FUN !!

Boring, tedious, routine, should not exactly be the words used to describe your sex life but, sometimes it can happen. So, what to do if that is the case? Role play fun may be the answer for you and your partner.

Role play means to represent or act out as someone real or imaginary. When it comes to sex, this performing can be taken really far, and make it interesting, exiting and especially fun. Using role play to increase arousal and make fantasies come true can be a really nice tool to enjoy as a couple.

There are too many ways of getting into role playing some more elaborated than others, the idea is to figure out or talk about what you and your partner want to experience and then try it out. The easiest way to start may be, for example, take a movie and use it as inspiration or openly talk to your partner about his/her fantasies, deepest desires and things he/she feels comfortable about. There are some pretty common, and there are some that may surprise you, the main idea is to feel relaxed and have a great communication, this way you won’t be scared of sharing each other’s deepest secrets. To decide what to do you can leave it to luck and check who goes first, which of you will be the one role playing the partner’s fantasy first and then leave for a second time the other partner’s favorite role play scenario.

Having this in mind some of the most common role play scenarios are:

Movie characters. Many people feel attracted not just to the actor/actress but to the character they play in the movies or TV series, if this is the case share it with your partner and see if it is possible recreate it with your partner.

Student/teacher: this role play scenario has the naughtiness related to power, experience versus lack of it, and the secret contained in this hidden and prohibited behavior. This is a fun game that can be easily done, as it does not have complicated elements to make it true.

Doctor/patient. Do you want a health check? Play doctor and patient can heal your boring sex life and add some spicy elements to it, just ask! the doctor recommends it.

Prince/princess. This is a very common role play. Most girls dream about it and most boys too. The princess finds her charm prince and most princes can have all they want with just asking for it. So allow you to play a little like monarchs and have fun.

Inappropriate masseuse. A massage can be one of the most exciting and relaxing experiences ever. This allows a deep and personal connection skin to skin. Take some oil and role play it, the unexpected and “inappropriate” touch will wake up all your senses and turn you both on.

Total strangers. This requires a little more concentration, here you need to play complete estrangers that meet and go for a passionate night or afternoon. This role play is very flexible and you can be really creative and produce completely new characters. In this case remember not deny what your partner is saying, it is a role play, so allowing to continue with the story is part of the mystery.

First time. Recreate this moment is quite interesting, that sense of innocence, the curiosity for the unknown is really cool. If your first time was not so good, try to make it better with this recreation. Go to a nice place, talk to your partner and ask him/her what he/she would like to have done and include it. Flowers, candles, music, positions, and all those things he/she would have liked to have that first time.

Sex with the boss. There are too many reasons for it, but many men and women react to forbidden because it is exiting and has that feeling of danger. Be careful where you decide to make it real, doing it in your office, can make it more truly but at the same you have the risk of getting caught and getting into troubles.

Recommendations to make it as best as possible:

Make a little research, look for the distinctive clothing, find the most accurate outfit; Recreate the language used, learn the vocabulary used in every scenario, this will help you be more authentic.

Feel really confident, even it can be fun, and has to be fun, you cannot spend the entire moment interrupting it with your exaggerated laugh. You need to believe what you are doing, and show that amazing confident you have.

If it is possible for you, and if it applies, look for a location adapted to the fantasy, that will give a plus you may not reach at home. BUT not having the location does not mean you cannot have the best time ever.

If you don’t have much budget use some of the things you have at home. There are some role play games that require elaborated costumes, if you feel you are handy, search for those materials you have at home and for some Youtube tutorials, there you will have all you need to show the best role play costume homemade and low budget.

To make something come true you just need to want it, so talk to your partner an work on it, include role playing in your sexual repertory.

Role Play Fun

By Electra Lashes

Boring, tedious, routine, should not exactly be the words used to describe your sex life but, sometimes it can happen. So, what to do if that is the case? Role play fun may be the answer for you and your partner.

Role play means to represent or act out as someone real or imaginary. When it comes to sex, this performing can be taken really far, and make it interesting, exiting and especially fun. Using role play to increase arousal and make fantasies come true can be a really nice tool to enjoy as a couple.

There are too many ways of getting into role playing some more elaborated than others, the idea is to figure out or talk about what you and your partner want to experience and then try it out. The easiest way to start may be, for example, take a movie and use it as inspiration or openly talk to your partner about his/her fantasies, deepest desires and things he/she feels comfortable about. There are some pretty common, and there are some that may surprise you, the main idea is to feel relaxed and have a great communication, this way you won’t be scared of sharing each other’s deepest secrets. To decide what to do you can leave it to luck and check who goes first, which of you will be the one role playing the partner’s fantasy first and then leave for a second time the other partner’s favorite role play scenario.

Having this in mind some of the most common role play scenarios are:

Movie characters. Many people feel attracted not just to the actor/actress but to the character they play in the movies or TV series, if this is the case share it with your partner and see if it is possible recreate it with your partner.

Student/teacher: this role play scenario has the naughtiness related to power, experience versus lack of it, and the secret contained in this hidden and prohibited behavior. This is a fun game that can be easily done, as it does not have complicated elements to make it true.

Doctor/patient. Do you want a health check? Play doctor and patient can heal your boring sex life and add some spicy elements to it, just ask! the doctor recommends it.

Prince/princess. This is a very common role play. Most girls dream about it and most boys too. The princess finds her charm prince and most princes can have all they want with just asking for it. So allow you to play a little like monarchs and have fun.

Inappropriate masseuse. A massage can be one of the most exciting and relaxing experiences ever. This allows a deep and personal connection skin to skin. Take some oil and role play it, the unexpected and “inappropriate” touch will wake up all your senses and turn you both on.

Total strangers. This requires a little more concentration, here you need to play complete estrangers that meet and go for a passionate night or afternoon. This role play is very flexible and you can be really creative and produce completely new characters. In this case remember not deny what your partner is saying, it is a role play, so allowing to continue with the story is part of the mystery.

First time. Recreate this moment is quite interesting, that sense of innocence, the curiosity for the unknown is really cool. If your first time was not so good, try to make it better with this recreation. Go to a nice place, talk to your partner and ask him/her what he/she would like to have done and include it. Flowers, candles, music, positions, and all those things he/she would have liked to have that first time.

Sex with the boss. There are too many reasons for it, but many men and women react to forbidden because it is exiting and has that feeling of danger. Be careful where you decide to make it real, doing it in your office, can make it more truly but at the same you have the risk of getting caught and getting into troubles.

Recommendations to make it as best as possible:

Make a little research, look for the distinctive clothing, find the most accurate outfit; Recreate the language used, learn the vocabulary used in every scenario, this will help you be more authentic.

Feel really confident, even it can be fun, and has to be fun, you cannot spend the entire moment interrupting it with your exaggerated laugh. You need to believe what you are doing, and show that amazing confident you have.

If it is possible for you, and if it applies, look for a location adapted to the fantasy, that will give a plus you may not reach at home. BUT not having the location does not mean you cannot have the best time ever.

If you don’t have much budget use some of the things you have at home. There are some role play games that require elaborated costumes, if you feel you are handy, search for those materials you have at home and for some Youtube tutorials, there you will have all you need to show the best role play costume homemade and low budget.

To make something come true you just need to want it, so talk to your partner an work on it, include role playing in your sexual repertory.

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